Here's a little peek into my past week:
This week was busy! It always amazes me how long a "short" week can feel. However, I was super excited to receive my very first Stitch Fix in the mail this week! Several friends have encouraged me to try it for a while, and I finally took the plunge. And oh my, I love it! I actually loved everything in the box! I didn't keep everything because, well, you know, teacher's budget, but I was thrilled with what my "stylist" selected (ha, I even feel funny saying stylist).
I love that you can keep what you like, and send back what you don't - all without even leaving your home. Awesome! So, if you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend it! You can check it out HERE.
I love that you can keep what you like, and send back what you don't - all without even leaving your home. Awesome! So, if you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend it! You can check it out HERE.
Little Bro's preschool group got to visit the fire station this week! Of course, I forgot my camera :( but all of the kiddos were enamored with the whole thing. They especially loved getting to sit in the fire truck. I think every one of them walked away wanting to be a firefighter when they grow up.
Big Bro and I have been working on CVC word families this week. It is wonderful to watch his progress, and I especially love watching his confidence in reading grow. His excitement for learning is contagious!
Look what I finally ordered! Yes, business cards! Simple, but very exciting for me! These arrived on Tuesday and I was thrilled!
You may wonder why I decided to order business cards at this time, and it's all because of #5........
You may wonder why I decided to order business cards at this time, and it's all because of #5........
Tomorrow I get to head to the Pacific Coast Teacher Meet-Up! I am super excited to meet some other TpT-ers, build relationships, and learn a lot! I'll be sure to let you know how it goes!
I would love to hear about your week! And be sure to check out the other posts at the Doodle Bugs Teaching Link-up. Have an amazing weekend!!