Wow! I can't believe that tomorrow will be August! Where did the summer go?? Although I missed it last week, I am excited to again to link up with Kacey at Doodle Bugs Teaching for the
Here's a little peek into my past week:
With the sound of Back to School commercials filling the air, I am happy to announce that my Back to School FREEBIE is uploaded and ready to roll. This "I Found, Who Found" game is a spin on the common "I Have, Who Has" game, except this game helps to familiarize your students with their new classroom. It's a fun way to begin the year, so click on the icon to get this freebie if you're interested!
I must say, I have one amazing husband! On Monday, he took both my boys camping - on his own! He packed up everything and took the boys for an entire 27 hours! Yes, that means I had a quiet house and was able to get so much done! I don't know what I possibly did with all my spare time before kids ;) All of the boys had a blast, and I was so thankful to get errands, cleaning, laundry, and yes, plenty of Teachers Pay Teachers stuff, checked off my checklist. They came home covered in dirt, and with sticks, rocks, and even a frog in tow. While I was grateful for the time to be "productive," those grimey faces never looked better!
My oldest son has been working so hard to ride his bike without training wheels, and this last week, it just clicked! He is still working on getting started on his own and making turns without ending up on the ground, but he is so proud - and, I must say, I am too!!
I was able to update my Watch My Progress Journal this week! I use this to track the growth of my students over the year in certain skills. It's also a great place to organize monthly work for a portfolio at the end of the year! I am always amazed at how much these students grow in a year!
Finally, don't forget that next Monday and Tuesday (August 3rd and 4th) is the TpT Back to School Sale! My entire store will be 20% off (bundles too), and if you use the promo code BTS15, you'll get another 10% off -making it 28% off your total purchase! Load up your wish list now!!
I would love to hear about your week! And be sure to check out the other posts at the Doodle Bugs Teaching Link-up. Have an amazing weekend!!